By: HM.Agus Suryanto Lombok Daily correspondent Dompu
In the pages of history in Dompu noted, before the establishment of the kingdom of this area is said to have ruled some tribal leaders who called the''king''or small NCUHI the ncuhi tarsebut consists of four members, namely:
1. Ncuhi Hu, u
which has jurisdiction Hu, u and surroundings (now kecamtan Hu, u)
Second. Ncuhi Saneo
that have a regional kekusaan region Saneo and Other (now sub Woja Dompu).
3. Nowa Ncuhi
Which has in master Nowa and surrounding areas (now signed Woja district).
4. Tonda Ncuhi
which has Master Tonda and surrounding areas and currently included in the Village area Riwo Woja Dompu district.
In addition to the four famous people Ncuhi Dompu Ncuhi there are also others such as Tolo Ncuhi Fo, o, Ncuhi Katua, Ncuhi Dorongao, Ncuhi parapimpi and Ncuhi Dungga.rubber ncuhi mengusai one area with a population of several former settlements or villages are in the long mastered by the Ncuhi and until now it was still attached to the township's name has even become one immortalized in the name of the village or district in Dompu district.
Some of the township or country has ever become the Ncuhi the power region is for example: Tonda country, a country situated in the Lower Soro Doro La Nggajah bay is located alongside the beach is located in the brick Huu.negeri Cempi Doro kandai one brick villages, country Tolo fo, o is in the Matau village north of Hamlet Rababaka Woja district, the land of rice fields sada So now is the location Mangge Pelita village if the village of Bada, the land of La Råde these locations are in the agricultural area so Jero, located around the country dungga rabalaju Dam, situated in the village of the country Dorongao Kandai one.
Dompu Kingdom is the result of pooling or merging of the existing Ncuhi Dompu region at that time, the system of monarchy form of government headed by a King (Sangaji) Called composition Kings who had ruled the kingdom's first Dompu.
1. Dewa Sang Kula
This king is said that the land across the country comes from these figures come to exactly Dompu by sea in the area telauk Cempi Hu, u use boats made from Bamboo Betung Young and landed on the beach in riwo Woja RIA, The figure was subsequently settled the region Riwo. and the agreement of the existing Ncuhi Dompu on the ground at that time. then in the lift to be a king first and Dompu.
Second. bone onion god.
This figure by the society Dompu based on utterances from the elders of that, the god of this onion bone reputedly comes from bone onion sumatra precisely in Bukit Siguntang bone onion god wandering in the country according to folklore Dompu Dompu.dan this figure, arrived at the boat and slammed Dompu the devastating waves that a boat in which he washed and changed into a rock and stone Dompu community was known by the term bone Lopi.Dewa Wadu onions later married a daughter of children from the Kula Indra became king of jade and the next second Dompu.
3. Indra Dompu.
Is the son of god bone Onion
4. Mambara dumb gods
is the sister of the god Indra Dompu.
5. Mambawa god ballad.
Also the brother of the god Dompu senses.
6. Horse god (the god who had a horse).
Is the son of god mambara belada.
7. Dewa Mawa, a taho.
Is the turn of the god of horses and dimas pemerintahanya occurred around the year in 1340 from the royal army expedition to conquer Dompo.majapahit majapahit then commander of the army led by the commander of Nala and assisted the Balinese royal army led by the commander of the army stocks Dompu gerigis but the kingdom has yet to be majapahit supposedly conquered by Majapahit soldiers remaining many are not back to his home country eventually settling in Dompu precisely around the bay area cempi Huu.
8. Dadalanata god.
In 1357 under the leadership of the commander and the commander Dadalanata Soko and assisted soldiers from the kingdom of Bali at that time made an agreement to conduct tampa duel involving the centurion and the People in order to avoid casualties lot duel was held akhinya Dompu majapahit be subject to the agreement between King Dompu mawa god, a Taho and the commander of Soka akhinya majapahit most formidable army and was appointed to be King Dompu Dadalanata last in Dompu, before changing the system of government into the empire.
The composition of the sultans who once ruled Dompu (1545-1958).
1. La Bata Na.E Sultan Shamsuddin (1545 ..?)
- Is the son of mawa.a taho (ie king Dompu 7th)
- The first sultan who converted to Islam
- Known as a tenacious and wise king, so was given the title MAWA.A WAIT
- Who founded the palace brick (brick Doro)
- Reigned in the region Tonda
Second. Sultan Jamaluddin. Manuru Ngao Doro (1640)
- Son of Sultan Shamsuddin (Mawa.a Wait),
- Declared himself to be king spoke Dompu
- Enthroned in Doro ngao
3. Sultan Sirajuddin.Manuru Bata (1640-1682).
- Son of Mawa, a wait or the Sultan Samsudin.
- Coronation as Emperor Dompu before entering adulthood
- Year 1669 entered into a political agreement with the Dutch in Rotterdam macassar fort.
- He who began a friendship with komponi beland
4. Kilo Manuru title of Sultan Ahmad (1682-1686).
- Son of the sultan Sirajudin.
- Coronation Dompu became Emperor in 1686.
- After staying in the port of Batavia Kilo.
- Given the title Manuru Kilo for kilo died in the harbor.
5. Sultan Abdul-styled apostle manuru Rate (1686-1701).
- Son of the sultan was known as King Sirajudin the brave.
6. Usman Sultan Manuru Goa (1701-1702).
- Son of Sultan Abdul Apostles did not rule long.
- Died in Makassar.
7 Sutan Ahmad Shah holds Manuru Kempo (1702-1717).
- Son of Manuru Rate (Sultan Abdul Rasul).
- Died in Kempo, after returning from Makassar.
8 Sultan Abdu Kadir Mawaa Alush (1717-1727).
- Son Manuru Rate (Sultan Abdul messengers).
- Known as the king who ruled wisely.
9. Samsudin Sultan Mawaa Sampela title (1727-1737).
- Son of Sultan Usman.
10. Sultan Kamaludin. (1737)
11. Sultan Abdul Kahar Manuru tree is. (1737-1746)
12. Sultan Abdurrahman Manuru Kempo II title. (1746-1748)
13. Sultan Abdul Wahab Mawaa cau title. (1749-1792)
14. Sultan Abdulah Mawaa Saninu title. (1793-1798)
15. Jacob styled Sultan Mpuri Affairs. (1798-1799)
16. Tajul Arifin Sultan Abdulah mawa I titled `a Bou. (1799-1801)
17. Sultan Abdul Manuru Bata Rasull II title. (1801-1857)
18. Mohammed Sultan Salahudin Mawaa adi. (1857-1870)
19. Sultan Abdulah II title Mambora Ncihi Ncawa Bara. (1871-1882)
20. Sultan Muhammad Sirajudin Manuru Kupa title. (1882-1934)
21. Sultan Muhammad Arifin Tajul Mawaa Same title (Ruma Toi). (1947-1958).
(*) In the quotation from various sources.
In the pages of history in Dompu noted, before the establishment of the kingdom of this area is said to have ruled some tribal leaders who called the''king''or small NCUHI the ncuhi tarsebut consists of four members, namely:
1. Ncuhi Hu, u
which has jurisdiction Hu, u and surroundings (now kecamtan Hu, u)
Second. Ncuhi Saneo
that have a regional kekusaan region Saneo and Other (now sub Woja Dompu).
3. Nowa Ncuhi
Which has in master Nowa and surrounding areas (now signed Woja district).
4. Tonda Ncuhi
which has Master Tonda and surrounding areas and currently included in the Village area Riwo Woja Dompu district.
In addition to the four famous people Ncuhi Dompu Ncuhi there are also others such as Tolo Ncuhi Fo, o, Ncuhi Katua, Ncuhi Dorongao, Ncuhi parapimpi and Ncuhi Dungga.rubber ncuhi mengusai one area with a population of several former settlements or villages are in the long mastered by the Ncuhi and until now it was still attached to the township's name has even become one immortalized in the name of the village or district in Dompu district.
Some of the township or country has ever become the Ncuhi the power region is for example: Tonda country, a country situated in the Lower Soro Doro La Nggajah bay is located alongside the beach is located in the brick Huu.negeri Cempi Doro kandai one brick villages, country Tolo fo, o is in the Matau village north of Hamlet Rababaka Woja district, the land of rice fields sada So now is the location Mangge Pelita village if the village of Bada, the land of La Råde these locations are in the agricultural area so Jero, located around the country dungga rabalaju Dam, situated in the village of the country Dorongao Kandai one.
Dompu Kingdom is the result of pooling or merging of the existing Ncuhi Dompu region at that time, the system of monarchy form of government headed by a King (Sangaji) Called composition Kings who had ruled the kingdom's first Dompu.
1. Dewa Sang Kula
This king is said that the land across the country comes from these figures come to exactly Dompu by sea in the area telauk Cempi Hu, u use boats made from Bamboo Betung Young and landed on the beach in riwo Woja RIA, The figure was subsequently settled the region Riwo. and the agreement of the existing Ncuhi Dompu on the ground at that time. then in the lift to be a king first and Dompu.
Second. bone onion god.
This figure by the society Dompu based on utterances from the elders of that, the god of this onion bone reputedly comes from bone onion sumatra precisely in Bukit Siguntang bone onion god wandering in the country according to folklore Dompu Dompu.dan this figure, arrived at the boat and slammed Dompu the devastating waves that a boat in which he washed and changed into a rock and stone Dompu community was known by the term bone Lopi.Dewa Wadu onions later married a daughter of children from the Kula Indra became king of jade and the next second Dompu.
3. Indra Dompu.
Is the son of god bone Onion
4. Mambara dumb gods
is the sister of the god Indra Dompu.
5. Mambawa god ballad.
Also the brother of the god Dompu senses.
6. Horse god (the god who had a horse).
Is the son of god mambara belada.
7. Dewa Mawa, a taho.
Is the turn of the god of horses and dimas pemerintahanya occurred around the year in 1340 from the royal army expedition to conquer Dompo.majapahit majapahit then commander of the army led by the commander of Nala and assisted the Balinese royal army led by the commander of the army stocks Dompu gerigis but the kingdom has yet to be majapahit supposedly conquered by Majapahit soldiers remaining many are not back to his home country eventually settling in Dompu precisely around the bay area cempi Huu.
8. Dadalanata god.
In 1357 under the leadership of the commander and the commander Dadalanata Soko and assisted soldiers from the kingdom of Bali at that time made an agreement to conduct tampa duel involving the centurion and the People in order to avoid casualties lot duel was held akhinya Dompu majapahit be subject to the agreement between King Dompu mawa god, a Taho and the commander of Soka akhinya majapahit most formidable army and was appointed to be King Dompu Dadalanata last in Dompu, before changing the system of government into the empire.
The composition of the sultans who once ruled Dompu (1545-1958).
1. La Bata Na.E Sultan Shamsuddin (1545 ..?)
- Is the son of mawa.a taho (ie king Dompu 7th)
- The first sultan who converted to Islam
- Known as a tenacious and wise king, so was given the title MAWA.A WAIT
- Who founded the palace brick (brick Doro)
- Reigned in the region Tonda
Second. Sultan Jamaluddin. Manuru Ngao Doro (1640)
- Son of Sultan Shamsuddin (Mawa.a Wait),
- Declared himself to be king spoke Dompu
- Enthroned in Doro ngao
3. Sultan Sirajuddin.Manuru Bata (1640-1682).
- Son of Mawa, a wait or the Sultan Samsudin.
- Coronation as Emperor Dompu before entering adulthood
- Year 1669 entered into a political agreement with the Dutch in Rotterdam macassar fort.
- He who began a friendship with komponi beland
4. Kilo Manuru title of Sultan Ahmad (1682-1686).
- Son of the sultan Sirajudin.
- Coronation Dompu became Emperor in 1686.
- After staying in the port of Batavia Kilo.
- Given the title Manuru Kilo for kilo died in the harbor.
5. Sultan Abdul-styled apostle manuru Rate (1686-1701).
- Son of the sultan was known as King Sirajudin the brave.
6. Usman Sultan Manuru Goa (1701-1702).
- Son of Sultan Abdul Apostles did not rule long.
- Died in Makassar.
7 Sutan Ahmad Shah holds Manuru Kempo (1702-1717).
- Son of Manuru Rate (Sultan Abdul Rasul).
- Died in Kempo, after returning from Makassar.
8 Sultan Abdu Kadir Mawaa Alush (1717-1727).
- Son Manuru Rate (Sultan Abdul messengers).
- Known as the king who ruled wisely.
9. Samsudin Sultan Mawaa Sampela title (1727-1737).
- Son of Sultan Usman.
10. Sultan Kamaludin. (1737)
11. Sultan Abdul Kahar Manuru tree is. (1737-1746)
12. Sultan Abdurrahman Manuru Kempo II title. (1746-1748)
13. Sultan Abdul Wahab Mawaa cau title. (1749-1792)
14. Sultan Abdulah Mawaa Saninu title. (1793-1798)
15. Jacob styled Sultan Mpuri Affairs. (1798-1799)
16. Tajul Arifin Sultan Abdulah mawa I titled `a Bou. (1799-1801)
17. Sultan Abdul Manuru Bata Rasull II title. (1801-1857)
18. Mohammed Sultan Salahudin Mawaa adi. (1857-1870)
19. Sultan Abdulah II title Mambora Ncihi Ncawa Bara. (1871-1882)
20. Sultan Muhammad Sirajudin Manuru Kupa title. (1882-1934)
21. Sultan Muhammad Arifin Tajul Mawaa Same title (Ruma Toi). (1947-1958).
(*) In the quotation from various sources.
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