The Democratic Nobility

Lane IX

Government of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta has a lot of changes under his leadership. Western education since the age of 4 years fro making lane IX (HB IX) found many cultural alternatives for organizing the Yogyakarta Palace. With her new insight she shows that the king was no longer gung binathara, but democratic. King principled popular sovereignty but remains virtuous take leksana. He has a high national understanding.

Born in the village Pakuningratan nDalem Sompilan Ngasem on Saturday Paing dated 12 April 1912, or according to Islamic Javanese chronicle on Jimakir Rabingulakir year 1842 under the name Dorodjatun. His father was Prince Haryo Puruboyo Gusti, who later date when the three-year-old Dorodjatun He was appointed as crown prince (future king) with the title of Prince of Duke Kanjeng Gusti Anom State Hamengku Sudibya ing Narendra Son of King of Mataram.

While his mother was Raden Ajeng Kustilah, the daughter of Prince Mangkubumi who later styled Duke of Raden Ayu Anom.

Since the age of 4 years Dorodjatun been living separately from his family, Mulder boarded a Dutch family who lived in Gondokusuman to get the education discipline and simple lifestyle even though he was the son of a king.

In Mulder's family Dorodjatun Henkie given the nickname taken from the name of Prince Hendrik, husband of Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands. Henkie started school in kindergarten or kindergarten care Juffrouw Willer School located in South Bintaran. At the age of six years of primary school entry Dorodjatun Lagere Eerste Europese School and graduated in 1925. Then Dorodjatun continued education to Hogere Burger School (HBS, junior high and high school) in Semarang, and then in Bandung. In 1931 he went to Holland to study at Leiden Rijkuniversiteit, majored Indologie (science of Indonesia) and then economic. He returned to Indonesia in 1939.

A year later, on Monday Pon dated March 18, 1940 or the date eight months Dal Java Sapar year 1871, Dorodjatun crowned with the title of king Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Sampeyandalem Ingkang Sinuwun Kanjeng Sultan Hamengkubuwono, Senopati Ing Ngalogo, Abdurrahman Sayidin Panoto Gomo, Kalifatullah Ingkang Kaping IX .

Meaning of the title is that sultanlah legitimate ruler of this transitory world, he also Senopati Ing Ngalogo which means it has the power to determine peace or war and that he was also the supreme commander of the army in time of war. Sultan Abdurrahman also Sayidin Panoto Gomo or religious stylist generous, because he recognized as Kalifatullah, the successor to Muhammad the Messenger of Allah.

Lane IX is an example of democratic aristocracy. Government of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta has a lot of changes under his leadership. Western education since the age of 4 years fro making HB IX found many alternatives to carry out the Sultan Palace culture in the future. Various traditions of palace which is less profitable and with the abolition of a new cultural alternatives HB IX delete them.

Still does not mean that he remove himself as far as the substance that needs to be maintained. Even the vast cultural insights mempu discover new breakthrough to restore the glory of the kingdom of Yogyakarta. When in the heyday of Mataram had succeeded in developing a political draft keagungbinataraan namely, that the king is the supreme power binathara nyakrawati dhenda shoulder, virtuous take the Marta leksana ambeg fair (like the great god of power, maintenance of law and ruling the world, overflowing nobility noble, and to be fair to fellow), the HB IX with new insights show that the king was no longer gung binathara, but democratic. King principled popular sovereignty but remains virtuous take like.

In addition, HB IX also has a high national understanding. In a speech coronation as Sri Sultan HB IX, there are two important things that shows that attitude. First, is the sentence which reads: "Although I have a real Western education, but first of all I was and still is the Javanese." Second, is the struggle of words that contains a promise: "Let me end my speech with a promise, hopefully, I can work for memuhi interests of your nation, to the extent of knowledge and skills available to me."

HB IX nationality insights can also be seen from the attitude of the Republic of Indonesia asserted that support very consistent. Immediately after the proclamation of the Republic of Indonesia it sends the message to the President who menyataak desire to support the government of the kingdom of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. When Jakarta as the capital of Indonesia experienced a crisis situation, HB IX did not mind the capital was moved to Yogyakarta, Indonesia. So also when the enemy occupied the capital of Indonesia, he was not only the Dutch would not accept inducements to favor them, but also took the initiative that could endanger themselves, including allowing the guerrillas hiding in the palace complex at oemoem attack March 1, 1949. It is clear that he was a king of the republicans. After joining the RI, HB IX waterfall in the world of national politics.

Originator of the attack Oemoem
Based on the original documents which are now owned by the National Archives became clear, the originator of the attack Oemoem (SO) March 1, 1949 is the late Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX. An outcome document of the late King of Yogyakarta's interview with BBC Radio London in the 1980s clearly says that. From the interviews it was also revealed, the role of former President Suharto, who was then still only limited to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel as the implementers only.
"What is certain, it is the originator of the attack late Oemoem lane and not Pak Harto IX as long as it is believed the New Order government," said Head of the National Archives Muhklis Dr. Paeni, in a press conference at the National Archives building in Jakarta, Friday (10 / 3) evening.

According Muhklis, the idea of the late Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX will hold SO March 1, 1949 because that is motivated by national interests to show the international world that the "pulse" of the Republic of Indonesia is still alive. The idea, clearly Muhklis, then discussed with the Great Commander General Sudirman and finally approved. At the suggestion of General Sudirman, the Sultan then contacted Lt. Col. Soeharto about the idea and discuss its operation.

Mingle Easily History Tale
Writing the history of dramatic events that tend to vote with a show-paced history of heroic actors. Thus, history is often easy to blend in with the fairy tale, where a figure like a noble dimitoskan. This was revealed by the lane (HB) X in his speech at the inauguration Tetenger (mark) streamlining History Oemoem Attack (SO) March 1, 1949 in Yogyakarta Palace Complex, Thursday (06/29/2002).

Sultan HB X states, a perpetrator of history or historical figures who give information to distort the event is not only damaging his own reputation, but also damage the nation's essence. Because, what is written based on testimony that would provide certain nuances in the process of understanding of national identity.

Community donations
History streamlining Tetenger SO March 1 was made of large stone weighing 8.4 tons was taken from the slopes of Merapi, which is supported by the building of cast concrete Rafflesia. In the stone Bismol Tetenger streamlining History Oemum attack March 1, 1949. At the foot buffer there are also writings of meeting with the Commander of the Sultan HB IX Werkhreise (WK) III, with arrows pointing the direction to the south. That is, in a room of Yogyakarta Palace complex is located on the south side tetenger it became a meeting with Commander of HB IX WK III. WK Commander III which meant it was Lt. Col. Soeharto (former President).

Location of this tetenger in a park outside the palace which is called Keben, or a distance of approximately 200 meters from March 1 SO Monument located at the front of the Presidential Palace Court House was built during the New Order administration. Tetenger funds are tilled by famous sculptors Sunarso Yogyakarta Edhi is funded from the public through the wallet, which was opened by the sovereignty of the People's Daily, Bernas and Radar Yogya.

Meaning tetenger streamlining SO March 1 of this history, as disclosed by the Chairman of the Committee Marsoedi (perpetrator history), that the originator of the idea is not SO March 1, 1949 Lieutenant Colonel Soeharto as written in the history of the current, but HB IX. Was the implementation of field operations is WK III troops commanded by Lt. Col. Soeharto.

In his speech HB X states, the climate of reform marked an atmosphere of openness critical attitudes toward the writing of various events in the history of modern Indonesia. In that connection, the testimony of a witness to history for streamlining historical events gain momentum, because the actual writing of history is not a small issue.

"Historiography should be able to place a vision that is supported by the verification, to put in proportion to the role of agents of history in relation to historical events," said HB X.

Alluding to the history of SO March 1, 1949, HB X represents, on that date at about 6:00 TNI forces attacked the Yogyakarta-occupied Netherlands since March 19, 1948. TNI troops able to survive for six hours in Yogyakarta. Based on this historical event, in the 1950s producing films documentary Usmar Ismail, entitled Six Hours in Yogya. Meanwhile, after it produced the same event with different shades of yellow with the title of special occasions.

Although the situation has changed with the advent of SO Tetenger March 1, 1949, however, can not be denied the role of Lieutenant Colonel Soeharto at that time remains important and worthy of note in history. Not easy in limited circumstances, with the primitive means of communication, planning and launch a coordinated attack involving at least 2000 soldiers.
However, continued HB X, SO March 1, 1949 is intended as a political-military persitiwa with international impact, although the leadership of state prisoners on the island of Bangka-must have involved other figures, not a Soeharto himself.

X lane
Born with the name Raden Mas Herjuno Bendoro Darpito on April 2, 1946. After the adult title KGPH Mangkubumi and after he was appointed as crown prince was given the title state Hamengku KGPAA Sudibyo Nalendra Mataram king's son. GMU law graduate was crowned on March 7, 1989 (Tuesday Wage, 19 Rajab 1921).

Active in various organizations is the general chairman Kadinda DIY, DPD Golkar chairman DIY, DIY KONI chairman, president director of PT Punokawan which is engaged in construction services, President Commissioner of PG Madukismo, and in July 1996 he was appointed as Chairman of Governor DIY Expert Team.

IX lane
Born in the village Pakuningratan nDalem Sompilan Ngasem on Saturday Paing dated 12 April 1912, or according to Islamic Javanese chronicle on Jimakir Rabingulakir year 1842 under the name Dorodjatun. His father was Prince Haryo Puruboyo Gusti, who later on when the 3-year-old Dorodjatun He was appointed as crown prince (future king) with the title of Prince of Duke Kanjeng Gusti Anom State Hamengku Sudibya ing Narendra Son of King of Mataram. While his mother was Raden Ajeng Kustilah, the daughter of Prince Mangkubumi who later styled Duke of Raden Ayu Anom.

VIII lane
HB VIII During the Sultanate of Yogyakarta has a lot of funds spent for various activities including school finance empire. Sons of HB VIII many schooled until college, many of them in the Netherlands.
He died on October 22, 1939 in Panti Rapih Yogyakarta.

Lane VII
In his tenure established many sugar factories in Yogyakarta, totaling 17 plants. Each establishment of the factory provides opportunities for the Sultan to accept the funds of Rp 200,000.00. This resulted in a very rich Sultan Sultan Sugih seringga often dubbed.
During His Leaders also the period of transition towards modernization in Yogyakarta. Many modern schools established and therefore his sons are required of modern education, even down to Holland.
Year 1920 at the age of 80 years, the Sultan was deposed and appointed his oldest son as his successor.

Lane VI
V HB is the younger brother which was originally named Prince Duke Mangkubumi. Proximity to the Dutch made him a rank of Lieutenant Colonel (1839) and the Colonel (1847) from the Netherlands.
Marriage with the daughter of Solo (1848), namely V Pakubowono susuhunan nephew or grandchild Pakubowono IV of garwa ampeyan (concubine) is a historical record for the Establishment of the relationship between the Sultanate of Surakarta and Yogyakarta Kesunanan that since the agreement Gianti (1755) frequent disputes between the two sides parties.

V lane
Small named Raden Mas Menol and enthroned at the age of 3 years. In a ruling council assisted guardianship, which includes Prince Diponegoro until year 1836.
He died in 1855 without leaving a son who can replace him.

Lane IV (1804-1822)
Appointed as the king at the age of 10 years, therefore the ruling was accompanied by a guardian of Paku Alam I until the year 1820. During the reign of enforced land lease for the private system but at the expense of the people.
He died in 1822 during an excursion that was given the title of Sultan Seda Pesiyar Ing.

Lane III
Old Sultan's son who holds power in 1810. A year later when the Dutch replaced the British Government under the leadership of Lieutenant Governor Raffles, Sultan HB III's abdication and the kingdom led by Sultan Old (HB II) back for one year (1812).
During the leadership of Sultan HB III Yogyakarta palace suffered a massive setback.
Required to release the Kingdom Ngayogyakarta Kedu area, half of Pacitan, Japan, and Grobogan Jipang to England and replaced the real losses of 100 000 a year.
Royal army is reduced and only a few soldiers palace security.
Some regional powers handed over to the palace of Prince Notokusumo who contributed to the Raffles and was appointed Prince Paku Alam I. Duke Ario
He died in 1814 aged 43 years.

Lane II (1792-1828)
Known as the opponents of the Western imperialist powers, among others, opposed the Governor General and Lieutenant Governor Raffles Daendales. Sultan HB II opposed the creation of a new protocol rule Daendales about the greatness of tools used by the residents Belandan when facing the Sultan for example only and do not need to use an umbrella hat opening. Disputes between the HB II with susuhunan Surakarta about territory boundaries also resulted in forcing Daendales HB II's abdication on tahun1810, then raised her son as a third lane so that there are two kings in the palace. Sultan HB II called Sepuh Sultan and the Sultan was Sultan King HB III.
Raffles 1812 invaded and captured the Sultan of Yogyakarta, which was then exiled Old in Penang and then moved to Ambon.

Prince Mangkubumi (August 6, 1717 - March 24, 1792)
Born with the name Raden Mas Sujono who is younger Structure of Pakubowono Mataram II in Surakarta. In 1746 he rebelled because Pakubowono II promises to give local Stanger (now Sragen) on Mangkubumi victory against Raden Mas Said. The rebellion ended with the achievement Gianti Agreement (February 13, 1755) which states that half belonged Mangkubumi Mataram. In the agreement it is also recognized as Mangkubumi lane I which holds Senopati Ing Ngalogo Sayidin Panotogomo Khalifatullah with karatonnya in Yogyakarta.

Prince Diponegoro (11 November 1785 - January 8, 1855).
Supreme commander in the Diponegoro War (1825-1830) who in the history books written by Dutch writer called Java Oorlog (War = Java).
Ontowiryo his given name, the eldest son of the third lane. Diponegoro was more interested in religious life and the people standing on the side so he preferred to stay in Tegalrejo than in the palace. Rebellion against the palace began in the leadership of HB V (1822) which became one of the Diponegoro guardianship members who accompany HB V 3-year-old, while the daily administration are held by Dutch resident Patih Danurejo together. The way it is not approved guardianship of Diponegoro.
In subsequent developments and the Netherlands tried to catch Diponegoro Diponegoro War erupted on July 20, 1825.
March 28, 1830 P. Diponegoro to General De Kock met in Magelang. De Kock forces entered the negotiations and urged the Diponegoro to stop the war. The request was rejected Diponegoro. But the Dutch have set up an ambush with care. Diponegoro was arrested that same day and disposed of, bus, and then to Semarang, and directly to Jakarta.
8 April 1830 in Jakarta and detained until the Stadhuis.
May 3, 1830 dispatched by boat to Manado Pollux and imprisoned in the fort Amsterdam.
1834 moved to the fort Rotterdam in Makassar, South Sulawesi.
January 8, 1855 Diponegoro death and buried in Makassar Malays.

Encyclopedia Indonesian People (TokohIndonesia Dotcom)


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