Colonial expropriation for centuries

Colonial Dutch colonized Indonesia for 350 years without mercy, plundering its natural, open the large plantations and extort people are cruel.
In 1940 there was only one doctor for every 60,000 people (compared to India, where the ratio is 1:6,000) and 2.400 graduates from high school. At the end of the Second World War, 93 percent of Indonesia's population is still illiterate.

At the beginning of the Nineteenth century, the development of the British bourgeoisie increasingly challenging the dominance of the Netherlands over this area. In 1800 the Dutch East Indies Company became bankrupt and the British take over the territory between the years 1811 and 1816. In 1824, the Treaty of London (London Agreement) dividing the region between them: the British got control over the bay of Malacca and the Netherlands remain master of the Indonesian archipelago.
Beginning of the Twentieth century, the new American imperialism began developing a challenge for the European colonial powers, especially after the occupation of the Philippines by the United States in the year 1898.

The United States is engaged in a trade war with the Dutch over oil and rubber. Standard Oil Company began to contest the monopoly of oil mining areas in Indonesia by the Royal Dutch company. In 1907, Royal Dutch and Shell merged to combat competition from the U.S.. Taking advantage of the situation of the First World War, Standard Oil began drilling in Central Java, and in the same year, U.S. companies began to master the rubber plantations. Goodyear Tyre and Rubber plantations open them and open the U.S. Rubber rubber plantations under single ownership of the largest in the world.

U.S. strategy in this area as it can be summarized by Senator William Beverage:

"The Philippines are ours forever ... and beyond the Philippines are an infinite Chinese market. We will not retreat from both. We will not abandon our responsibilities in the islands. We will not abandon our responsibilities in East Asia. We will not abandon our part in the mission of our nation, the belief in God, for civilization in this world ... we will go forward working ... with gratitude ... and gratitude to our Almighty God because He has chosen we as elected people, henceforth to lead in the regeneration of the world ... Our largest trade henceforth must be with Asia. North Pacific is our ocean ... and the Pacific is the future of sea trade. The power that rules the Pacific, is the strength conquer the world. And with the Philippines, that power is and will always be the American Republic. "

The rise of Japanese imperialism and its expansion into Korea, Manchuria and China lead to confrontation with U.S. imperialism on the mastery of these areas, which rose and erupted in the Pacific War in World War II. Japanese bourgeoisie's desire to usurp the authority of U.S., French and Dutch brought the importance of Indonesia, as a gateway to the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asian natural resources, into focus.

In 1942 the Dutch colonialists handed power over Indonesia to Japan, than to allow the Indonesian people fighting for independence. All the imperialist powers have good reason to fear that the oppressed people of Indonesia.
So far in 1914 the best representatives of the Indonesian workers have taken the teachings of Marxism when the Social Democratic Association Indies (Indies Social Democratic Association) was formed with the initiative of a Dutch communist Hendrik Seventieth. In 1921 it changed to the Indonesian Communist Party in response to the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.

PKI gain great authority among the people by leading the struggle against Dutch colonialism, including large movements of the first in Java and Sumatra in 1926 and 1927.
When the Chinese people are moving in a second Chinese Revolution in 1926-27, the workers and peasants, Indonesia is also engaged in a rebellion, led by the PKI. However, the Dutch colonial authorities managed to quell the revolts. They arrested 13,000 suspects, imprisoned and exiled 1.308 to 4.500 in a concentration camp in West Irian. The PKI was banned.


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